Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Of Mice and Me

So...I have a mouse.  Not a pet mouse and not one of those dressed mice who help Cinderella with her chores.

I have an "evil, poo all over your kitchen, eat through your trash bags, scare your dogs" mouse.

I have yet to see this little rascal, but for the past week my miniature pinscher has been attacking my oven.  Now, if you know Lexus, you'll know she is already a little "off".  But for her to attack an oven, that's even more strange.  She'll sit next to the oven for hours, just pawing at it and trying to get the drawer beneath the oven open.  She'll bark at it, growl at it, all sorts of crazy stuff.  I would have taken her to a doggy psych had it not been for the fact that she did this about a year ago when I first moved into my apartment.  Why did she do it? Because I had a mouse.

The first time around I found evidence.  I found poo in my pantry...poo way to small to come from a dog.  And all my ziploc bags had been taken our of their box and chewed up.  Again...not by a dog.  So I did what any reasonable 25 year old adult would do to solve this problem.  I called my mom.  

Luckily I have the world's best mom.  She came over while I was at work, looked for the mouse (thankfully didn't find it), and brought me some rat/mouse poison that luckily is non-toxic to dogs...somehow.  When I got home, all I had to do was throw a pack or two all the way to the back of beneath my oven.  About 5 days later, Lexus stopped barking at the oven.

Well over a year later, the mouse is back!  Well, technically it's not the same mouse. But A mouse is back.  I still have yet to see it, but between Lexus going super crazy again and me finding one little dropping, I'm sure that's what it is.  So what did I do?  I looked in my pantry, found the rat poison from last year, and threw that sucker under my oven.  VIOLA! Handled it like a big girl! YAY ME!  In a few days I am sure there will be no more mouse.  And Lexus can go back to being her normal, yet completely insane, self.

Lexus under a blanket

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