Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Candy Dilemma

I love candy.  Like...a whole bunch.  Could probably live off of candy...if that was possible without being severely malnourished.  So here in lies the conundrum.  This is a HUGE issue (in bridal minds).  Should my candy buffet be monochromatic or just have all the candy I love with LABELS that are in my theme?

Ok, for realisies this is something that has been on my mind a LOT lately.  I LOOOOOVE the look of monochromatic candy buffets.  However, some of my favorite candies don't come in my colors. In fact, my color is actually teal...and there isn't much teal candy at all so I would end up doing a blue/green candy buffet.  That's actually ok because TECHNICALLY blues, greens, and teal are all my colors.  Problem solved you say? I SAY NOT!

One option is monochromatic.  I am choosing not to show the buffets in my colors necessarily, as I feel this would confuse everyone (especially me who is attempting to make decisions)

OMG ITS GAWGEOUS!  Look how pretty everything is!  It all matches and the shapes of the dishes add to the allure of this option.  What's the downside?

  • I am NOT doing a white candy buffet...that's too clean for my liking
  • An all blue candy buffet would leave my photos looking like something out of Syfy and I don't particularly want all my guests to look like smurfs
  • An all green candy buffet wouldn't really go with the overall look I am going for.  My wedding is mostly blues so a green buffet would stand out...not in a good way
So sorry gorgeous, clean option...you are out due to the blue lipped monster.

Then there is the multi-color buffet.  This is a nice option.   With this choice you can pick out all your favorite candies and just make the labels and table linens match your wedding theme.

I LOVE ALL THE COLORS!! This option means not having to sacrifice favorite candies just because they don't match a theme.  This means being able to buy a big bag of m&m's from the store for cheaper than buying them in bulk online in just one color.  This is a fabulous idea!!  What's that you say? It appears I have a winner? SLOW DOWN SPEED RACER! This one has deal-breakers too.
  • Its a little too "rainbow brite" for me
  • I am a little bit too OCD to let my WHOLE wedding match and then my candy buffet look like a black sheep amongst goldfish (yes, I feel it would stand out THAT much)
  • I would be worried that I didn't have even distribution of color.  If some things are multi-colored but some are solid color...I know I would spend hours making sure that I had even amounts of the solid color candies.  Then once this is ransacked at the wedding I will cry because all my hard work was ruined

This option is still a contender...sort of.  Ok...not really.  I just don't see this type of buffet looking the way I want it to.  

I bet you never knew there were this many options...but there are.  I have yet another option for my buffet! A themed buffet.  These are pretty.  You get to choose candy in your theme, set up the table all pretty, but since you have more than one color there is more for the eye to be attracted to. Here are some of my favorites like this.

Image via jharman at Weddingbee

Aren't they lovely?  With about three colors, you still get to have a buffet in your theme but have variety so it looks less like a paint spill. Is this one perfect? Nope, absolutely not.
  • Choosing three colors in my theme is going to be a little difficult
  • Since there are so many shades of blue and green, it could end up looking messy rather than organized
  • Where do I find bags in my colors?
  • What if I find one candy that is a little off in color but is SO YUMMY...will it ruin the table?
As you can probably tell...I have pretty much made up my mind. But with the wedding still a good while away, I have not even ordered the candy yet so I still have time to talk myself out of any logical decision I come up with.  In fact, I have even considered doing a dessert buffet instead of just candy...I'll explain in a later post because I already feel like this one has everyone's minds spinning.

Even after all the planning I am trying to put into my delicious candy (or dessert) buffet, I am still DREADING that my buffet will end up looking like something half-a$$ed the day before the wedding.  Some buffets that I feel would have been better off left on the idea board:

They're not ugly...just not what I would consider a showcase...which is what I want.  An edible, beautiful showcase.  I have this fear that the one thing I have always known I wanted in my wedding, the candy buffet, is going to end up looking like a hot mess.  Like Lindsay Lohan circa 2010 hot mess.  What advice do you have and what is your favorite buffet look?

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that this much planning went into a candy buffet. It's pretty darn amazing...I do like the idea of a desert buffet though. NOM NOM NOM :)
