Monday, January 14, 2013

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 Weeks
How big is the baby? Depending on the site I look at, the baby is the size of a naval orange or a lemon!!
Total weight gain: 4-5 pounds depending on the day. However, I haven't weighed myself since my last doctor's appointment so it could be more by now.
Maternity clothes? Wearing my belly band but no maternity clothes yet. Things are definitely getting tighter. Started with just my work pants, but now my jeans are tighter.
Stretch marks? No new ones ;)
Sleep: Sleep is difficult. Got a snoogle to help me try to get comfortable, but it isn't quite working yet. 
Best moment this week: Officially hitting my second trimester. Knowing I hit that milestone felt really good.
Miss Anything?  I miss being motivated. All I want to do is sit on the couch, watch TV and cuddle with Lexus. I honestly don't have the drive to do anything at all, and that isn't like me.
Movement: I thought I felt some movement a few weeks ago, but haven't felt any since. I am really looking forward to feeling movement! 
Food cravings: Sweetarts, cheese fries, chicken tenders.  Those are the big contenders.  Get urges for other stuff every once in a while, but those are the major ones. Oh actually, cuties clementines and kiwi. Craving those big time.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Red meat, coffee, the smell that old cars emit...the gassy smell.
Labor Signs: Luckily no! This baby has a lot longer to cook!  
Symptoms:  Feeling super fat, tired, little bit of acne, still some nausea, still very bloated which I thought would go away by now but it hasn't, and pretty moody.
Wedding rings on or off? On. In fact, thanks to the cooler weather they're actually too loose on me.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Definitely moody. I get misty a lot, and angry easily. And then I get sad too.
Looking forward to: I want to feel movement, I want to have my belly pop, I want to finally feel like I am in the clear and this baby is healthy and safe.

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