Thursday, October 13, 2011

Shoe Dilemma

I tend to be a little overly obsessed with shoes.  I personally think owning 75 pairs of shoes is normal, but I have been told that my shoe collection is excessive.  I don't see why needing a pair of shoes in every color/style is ridiculous. It makes sense to me. I have a hard time figuring out what shoes to wear to work, so when it came to picking out my wedding shoes, I knew it would be difficult.  I KNEW I would be buying a pair.  Wearing a pair of shoes I already owned was completely out of the question.  
I am absolutely obsessed with the whole "bridal shoe" photo.  You know what I am talking about, right? The bride, in her dress, showing her shoes? Nope, still clueless? Ok, THESE!

BEAUTIFUL! I absolutely LOVE these types of photos! I know for sure I want a shoe shot.  Here in lies the conundrum... what type of shoes do I buy? Do I go with white/ivory since that's more classic?  But how I do love the pop of color that dyed shoes give.  If I dye my petticoat, I could get white/ivory shoes that way it's not TOO much.  But what if I get a white petticoat, then should I go with colored shoes? UGH! So many decisions.  CRUCIAL decisions.  If I don't choose a pair of shoes, the wedding will surely not go as planned and i am sure zombies will come in and kill all my guests if I do not make the right decision.
Since I don't want my guests to get their brains eaten, I really need to make a decision regarding shoes.  A decision I thought I already made.  Here are some amazing shoes in white/ivory that I am in love with.  They are what I consider classic bridal shoes.

They're the prettiest things I have seen in my entire life. I love them all. I will buy them all!  Oh, no I shan't.  They are WAY too expensive and I can't justify setting aside $2000 in our budget for shoes.  I would have to tell Eric he doesn't get a tux, or a gift, or food, or a cake.  I don't think he would be happy about that.  

Let's see if teal shoes are cheaper.  I really like the look of colored shoes, as I stated before (that must mean I REALLY like it.)  Thankfully for my peacock theme, I can even do peacock feather type shoes.  That's pretty frickin fantastic.  Gorgeous dress then BAM! Feather.  So here are some teal/peacock shoes that I thought were pretty and I could picture with my wedding gown.

I REALLY like the idea of colored shoes.  However, my mother did say that she thinks they're tacky and not traditional enough.  Well hmph.  I REALLY wanted to go with colored shoes.  But apparently if I do, my mom will throw them away and then I'll have to go barefoot to my wedding.

So after TONS of searching (like ten minutes) I came across a pair of shoes I became IMMEDIATELY obsessed with.  More obsessed than I usually get over shoes.  They were everything I wanted. Tall, blinged out, wintery, and whitish.  BAM! Found them cheap at an online store and got them.  BOO YAH! Bestest shoes ever.

LOVE! No seriously...LOOOOOOOOVE! They were amazing. Look at the crystals! They're little snowflakes! That goes perfectly with my winter wedding.  These shoes were meant to be.  When I got them in, I tried them on right away. Just as I expected, they hurt beyond belief! PERFECT! The prettier the heel, the more they hurt right? Check.  I know I would only need to wear them for a little because I intended on switching shoes for the reception. Beauty is pain, so these shoes are gorgeous.  I swooned over them for months while waiting for my dress to come in.  When I finally got the call that my dress was ready, I got so excited to wear the shoes with the gown.  At the salon I put the shoes on and got the dress on, and they were the PERFECT height. I didn't have to get the gown hemmed at all. They were PERFECT! happened.  My Alanis Morissette moment. My death row pardon two minutes too late.  The shoes did NOT match the dress.  Can you see the shoes when I am walking? Nope, sure can't.  But my bridal shoe shot...yeah that's RUINED if I wear these suckers.  So now...what's a girl to do? Without the perfect shoes remember what will happen? Here's a hint.
So...HELP ME! I have ALWAYS wanted that gorgeous shoe shot. And although my shoes are AMAZING, the color is NOT right with my dress and would ruin the whole picture. :( Do I go with my shoes? Do I get a different pair of ivory heels?  Do I go crazy and get teal shoes? What should I do??  

1 comment:

  1. You need colored shoes! You are no ordinary girl and you have a personality like no other! Your shoes should match that!
