Wednesday, August 31, 2011


T-4 months until the wedding.  I am very accident prone.  I seem to have a combination of bones made of glass, no immune system, and world's worst case of clumsiness.  

My friends have recommended putting me into some sort of a bubble type contraption to protect me until the wedding.  My reaction, "You silly fools. I am a big girl. I can protect myself." Well I was wrong...Oopsies.

I could write about 500 pages telling you about my ailments.  But let's focus on the most recent, k?  Part of my "wedding-ready" routine was working out. I went from working out once or twice every other week to 4-6 times a week.  Had I not changed up what workouts I did, maybe nothing would have happened.  But I decided to incorporate running into my regimen.  I thought that was a FABULOUS idea. Lots of cardio means skinny bride.  Well between kickboxing and running, I got a horrible case of the shin splints.  Or at least that's what I thought it was.

So I did what anyone would do to get rid of shin splints.  I stopped running.  I started to only go to kickboxing.  However these stinkin' shin splints wouldn't go away.  So I told my kickboxing instructor, and he told me to massage my legs and to use some sort of "icy-hot on steroids" stuff.  "Excellent," I thought.  "This will surely cure my shin splints."  That was another oopsies.

So before working out, I would massage my legs and put this icy-hot type stuff on.  However, even with that and ankle braces, my shin splints were getting worse.  By the end of each kickboxing lesson, I would hardly be able to walk.  "Silly shin splints," I thought,"Man they sure are stubborn little things."  After about a month of this and excruciating pain, I decided it was time to go to a doctor.

So I went to the usual doctor I go to for bone type issues (yes I have a regular doctor) and they did XRAYS and sat me in a room for much longer than necessary.  When the doctor came in, he had the magical news. VIOLA! Fractured fibula.  Say whaaaaa?

How could it be a fractured bone? I didn't fall, I didn't get run over by a car, I didn't jump off a two story building, I just minded my own business and worked out like a normal person.  Then it hit me...I am NOT a normal person! My bones are made of glass.  That's right! So apparently adding running into my mix was a little much and my bone gave out...such a lazy bone.

So the doctor gave me my list of do's and dont's.  Do: sit down, lay still, wrap myself in bubble wrap. Don't: work out, move, THINK about moving.  Bleh.  I don't like your news Mr. Doctor-man.  That does NOT Work for me. It's crunch time and I don't have time for your shenanigans.  Sorry...gotta work out.  He didn't like that very much.  I kept trying to compromise with him on exercises, as though if he said I could do it then it wouldn't injure me.  I think he got a little annoyed that I wanted to still do kickboxing.  

So to no avail, I got stuck in a walking boot.  Yay...just what I wanted.  It goes SO nicely with every outfit.  Luckily for me, he said I should be out in a month. So considering I am still going to work out, I bet I'll be out in 6 weeks.  I think two extra weeks will make up for my complete lack of following his rules. (I came up with two extra weeks by using a math formula...don't ask for details)  So there you have it.  Less than four months until my wedding and I am stuck in a tacky boot, making people think even more about investing in a bubble for me.


  1. Umm. Fat Cat? This was entertaining to say the least.

  2. Thanks anonymous! Hope you read all my posts. :)
